Portfolio > Paintings

acrylic on canvas board

monochromatic in violet

this work was done as a prayer for guidance and protection ....
and to bring about positive understanding towards people and their actions... the bird she holds to her head, to her face, is to touch the life on a gentle and soft measure, and hear the heartbeat of us all.. the woman holds in protection a fish,which can slip away at any moment... her necklace medallion being the fish's eye, the eye seeing beyond the concrete world and deeper into the energy of life... the food representing nourishment and fulfillment, overabundance taken for granted....

the stars on the right are the solid decorations of life ... the beauties that are created and sold and struggled for, bought and enjoyed, ignored and wasted ... thrown away...
the woman lounging across the back of her mind, is herself trying to feel grounded... while feeling her feet floating in the cold water of anxiety and hurt ... her arms reaching down into the earth for the peace of just feeling on solid ground .., energy coming through her, energy flowing out into the earth... the mountains are strength and surrounding protection from the earth ... the sun, warmth.. heat... love... to melt the misunderstandings into a flowing stream of contentment ...